How to find a person in VK by the phone number

Hey, Bro! If you need to find someone on you can use the search function with various filters: search by age, city of residence and so on. But how to find a person on Vkontakte if you only know his or her phone number?

Well, let me show you how to find someone on VK by the phone number.

Find VK profile by phone number

The first way to find someone’s VKontakte profile by phone number is to simply google it. But I do not recommend just entering the phone number in the search bar, but use the following operator: phone number

How to find a person in VK by the phone number

But this method only works if the person you are looking for has indicated his phone number on his page.

Invite a person to VK or import your contact list

Another way to find someone’s VK profile by the phone number is to import your contact list. Just follow this simple instruction:

  1. First, open VK app and go to the ‘Friends’ tab;
  2. Second, tap on ‘Import
  3. And then allow VK to view your contact list.

After that, you can see which of your phone’s contacts are already in VK and add them as friends if you need to.

You can also send an invitation to your friend – VK will send an email or SMS message to the person’s phone number with an invitation to join VK and answer your friend request. You can do this in a few easy steps:

  1. Open VK ‘Find friends‘ page, scroll down and click ‘Invite friends’;
  2. And then just send the invitation.

Hey, Bro! That’s how you can find someone in VK by phone number and invite other people to join

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1 Response

  1. Goro says:

    Thanks bro. Just found one girl using your guide

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